Monday, July 30

Temporary Happiness

When people ask me if I am enjoying university, I usually answer: "It's a lot of fun, the friends I made and the fantastic res I am in make it worth the while."

i realised early in the year that I met the best friends a girl could ever ask for. I felt like God had answered all my prayers from the past twelve years and sent me two angels to help me enjoy the second part of my journey. The other thing I realised was, although the res I got placed in was my second choice and also the second one I got placed in (the first one wasn't even one of my choices), it was the best one for me. I saw quickly that I wouldn't have fit in in any other res's and that this mix up was meant to be.

So tonight a thought crossed my mind. If the things I enjoy at university are my friends and my res, then what would happen if I were to lose them?

If I don't get res placement next year (which is highly likely), and for some reason these 'friends-for-life' friends I made weren't there anymore, what would make me stay?

This leads to my next question: if that is temporary happiness, then what can I build my happiness on that'll last?

Something to think about...

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