Thursday, July 19

My Cause

For the last couple of months I've been feeling the need to do something meaningful, something worth something for someone other than me, "to make the world a better place!". I read magazines, newspaper articles, webpages, blogs, but nothing sparked something in me. Somewhere through my journey I decided that 'The Earth' would be my cause. I saw a gap in our community in the recycling department and also thought it to be a little money generator. Win-win! But after a little research and many conversations there was just to many downsides to this project. Downsides that could certainly be overcome, but that would need a lot of money time and effort. It would have to be a full-time project and certainly not with a goal to make a profit. For me, as a student, this was certainly not a option. So my cause was, again, thrown to the wind. Leaving me on a journey to find yet another cause. See, I could not stop this journey, as the hope and ambition for something bigger, in spit of the previous dissappointment, was still there. This time i decided not to go looking for a cause, but to let it find me. To let it spark a flame inside of me that'll make me do whatever is needed to turn tht flame into a full burning bon fire! This morning i woke up and decided to read my Elle Magazine, as I am on holiday and doing things you actually 'like' in the morning is permitted. The August issue of the magazine is dedicated to women and has a few articles from women fighting for different causes related to women. Every article inspired me! Not just the cause, statistics and information in the articles, but the age and background of the women writing the articles and their ability to write magnificent articles without even being writers or journalists.
There was one article though, that lit my flame from the first word. It was an article by Mandy Wiener, 'Safeguarding the future'. It stated that crime does not discriminate, it does not set you free because of your wealth, social standing or the colour of your skin. It also mentioned that it is everyones right to move as you please, and to not have to be scared or feel threatened by it. In my head I. Started to see a world, a country, where I can go wherever I want, whenever I want, without being afraid. To take a wrong turn in my route and not be afraid that it would lead me to a place where I may not be safe. To go to places that may need help, anytime of the day, without fear. To in essence,be free. One of the other thoughts that jumped into my mind, was the biew women had of men. If it was safe for women to go where they want, when they want, it would change their view of the normal man on the street next to them from threat to fellow human being, or even friend. I know this is an idealistic view with lots of gaps and possible place for failure, but if I can help just 1 mom drive/walk her child to soccer practise without fear,it would change my flame into a bonfire. I have found my cause.

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