Saturday, August 4

"Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game" A Cinderella Story.

I tend not to do things when I'm unsure of my ability to do it. I'd normally rather not partake in something than have the risk of failing at it. Even something I know I'm good at. Sometimes I'm just so scared that maybe THIS time I won't be able to do it, that I'd rather not try.

I've aleays known this quote. Probably because the moment I heard it I knew it was meant for me. When something happens and I back out out of fear of failing I think about this qoute. But it's never been enough to overshadow the humiliation I would have to handle if trying leads to a fail.

I can honestly say that a lot of the decisions in my life are based on fear directly or indirectly. Mainly fear of humiliation, fear that people would see my imperfections and not think so much of me anymore. This has kept me from a few things in the past. If it was better for me to spare myself the disappointment of failing I would never know (because at the time it seemed like the better option).

I don't regret. I decided early in my life that everything I do and every decision I make, I do or make for a reason. So for the past I trust that I had reasons for doing what I did. But now yhings need to change.

I'm not prepared to let the fear of failing keep me from anything anymore. I think doing that has a lot to do with "guts". Also self-confidence to accept that you're not perfect, to be able to laugh at yourself and embrace those imperfections.

So I guess I'm gonna have to start by accepting myself, and then with a few other factors I might overcome my fear and strike out with pride!

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